Blog Post

Duties of an entrepreneur - The inventory

Vicky • 24. Februar 2019

Apart from the actual activities of a company - namely the production and sale of products - there are also numerous other tasks which I will introduce to you in the near future. One of them is the inventory.

Inventur als Kleinunternehmer
This is about keeping track of the stock of goods that is currently in the company. With 3 online shops, 1 offline sales outlet and individual customers who order directly from me, you quickly lose track of how much of what you still have in stock.

That's why it makes sense to take an inventory from time to time. I then go through all the products individually, count how many are there per design and model and make a note of that. At the end of the process, I receive an exact list of my stock and can distribute the products to the different shops according to their availability.

Afterwards it is of course useful to update this list with every sale and newly created product, so that the overview remains for a while ;)


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