Blog Post

What does the wave symbol on my bank card mean?

Vicky • 15. Juli 2019
was bedeutet das wellensymbol auf Karten und ausweisen

Have you ever noticed the little wave symbol on ID cards and bank cards?

This means that the cards contain a chip that can be read by radio.

When shopping, you may have noticed that you only have to hold your card close to the card terminal for small amounts.

In principle, anyone can buy a reader and read the data on your cards and ID cards. If you just imagine how close you often stand to other people in the city or on the train, this is not too difficult to implement.

Because data thieves only have to hold their reader, which they keep wonderfully inconspicuously in their pocket, close to your bag for a short time and then they can go shopping in the evening using your credit card.

But to make sure you don't lose any sleep over this topic, you can simply store your cards in a case that has a so-called "RFID protection". All Filucry® card cases contain this protection, shielding them from any radiation, so that no one can access your data without authorisation. All cases are certified and have been tested in the laboratory for their protective effect.


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