Blog Post

Rape - The forgotten wonder plant

Vicky • 7. Oktober 2019
heilwirkung von rapssamen

Rapeseed is a very old plant and comes originally from the Eastern Mediterranean. There it was already used by the Romans to produce cooking and lamp oil.

But above all, the small rape seeds have a special healing effect, which has unfortunately fallen into oblivion over the course of time.

Due to the high fat content of the seeds, heat can be stored for a particularly long time. When heated, valuable essential oils are also released, which are beneficial to health.

The special thing about rapeseed: They can be used both warm and cold. In both cases the heat/cold can be precisely dosed & gently released.


Application areas:

When warmed, rape seed cushions can be used for neck and back tension, migraine, aching limbs, rheumatism and similar conditions. The warmth has a relaxing & soothing effect.

Cold cushions are particularly suitable for strains, bruises, inflammations or migraine attacks. Inflammations are relieved by the cold.

Here at Filucry® you will find
small rape seed pillows that you can use for the above mentioned points or simply as a hand warmer on cold winter days.

The fabrics are made of 100% cotton, so together with the rape seeds they form a holistic natural product.



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