Blog Post

Environmentally friendly, sustainable and lovingly packed

Vicky • 23. Januar 2019

Since last spring, all products are lovingly packed in Filucry® tissue paper. On the one hand this serves to protect the bags and scarves in case the parcel should get a short shower or something similar and on the other hand the products are also nicely wrapped so that the joy of unpacking the package is even greater when it arrives at your home :)

noissue eco packaging alliance

The tissue paper comes from NoIssue, a New Zealand-based company that specialises in providing environmentally friendly packaging solutions.

The ink is based on soya, while the paper is completely acid-free and FSC-certified.

For each order, they also plant a tree that contributes to global reforestation and is planted in an area of need.

As the owner of the business, it is very important to me, especially in this day and age of online shipping, to do my bit for the environment by making Filucry® as sustainable as possible and, especially when it comes to packaging, making sure that it is biodegradable or easily recyclable.

For example, the cardboard boxes and paper tape are compostable, so there is no additional waste.


How important is the topic of environment and sustainability to you?

I am very happy about the first tree planted by NoIssue for Filucry® tissue paper and that we can all do something for the environment together :)


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